Communication Policies
Phone Calls
Please ring the surgery during business hours on +61 2 6295 3949 and speak with our reception staff.
We do not use email routinely for contact with our patients to protect your privacy and medical confidentiality. After hours, we have a phone message which tells you what to do to seek medical assistance. We do not have an answering machine for messages to be left.
Our Doctors are busy with patients during the day and can only be interrupted in a genuine emergency. Our receptionists will usually be able to answer your non-medical questions. If the question is medically related, they will talk with the Doctors. Our receptionists will advise you if the Doctor needs to see you or has other advice for you.
Results of Medical Tests
Our reception staff can tell you if the results of your tests have been seen by the Doctors and show that no further medical action is required. They will also tell you if the Doctor would like you to make an appointment to discuss your results. If the results of a medical test are of serious medical concern, you will be notified immediately.
+61 (0) 2 6295 3949
After Hours: CALMS 1300 422 567
2A Anembo Street Narrabundah 2604