Contact Us:
Phone: |
(02) 6295 3949
After hours, please ring CALMS on 1300 422 567 | |
Address: | 2A Anembo Street Narrabundah ACT 2604 |

Communication + Feedback:
Any concerns about medical treatment should be raised with your doctor. Any concerns about administration should be raised with the reception staff in the first instance. Reception staff can pass on information to you at the request of your doctor. They cannot give out the detailed content of medical tests or provide any discussion about your medical conditions.
The privacy of hardcopy, electronic and oral communcations about your health is protected in accordance with Australian privacy laws and medical best practice. You can see the practice policy on Personal Health Information on request.
We choose not to use email to communicate with patients as a general rule. We do not use social media to communicate with patients and choose to run a traditional phone booking appointment system.
If you are unsatisfied with our response to your concerns about your medical treatment, you can contact the Commissioner for Health Complaints on 6205 2222 or by writing to: GPO Box 158, Canberra, ACT, 2601